Deuteronomy Chapter 30

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

The Gentiles bring Isreal's sons and daughters back from the nations.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 49:22,23 (P)

Isaiah 49:9-12,18


Israel called to return unto Jehovah and therefore to enjoy Millennial blessings. See references in Gen.17:19, Deut.30:3-10, and Psalm 72:1-19.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Psalms 72:1-19

Hosea 6:1-4 (P)

After two days, hint of our age 2,000 yrs. and third day he will raise us up, hint of Israel restored in the millenium.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Returning to seek their God at the end of days. See Deut.30:3-10 and Num.24:14.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Numbers 24:14

Hosea 3:5 (P)

JND v2, pp365

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp121

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp276

JND Collected writings.


New Covenant with Israel, especially related to the restoration of the beasts of the field, the fowl of the heavens and the creeping things. See also covenants in Gen.17:19 and restoration and blessings in the future, Deut:30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Isaiah 11:6-9

Isaiah 65:25

Hosea 2:18-23 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

A door of hope for Israel. See references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Joshua 7:26

Valley of Achor.

Jeremiah 2:1-3

Remembering Jerusalem for the kindness of thy youth.

Hosea 2:14,15 (P)

JND v2, pp365

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering of Israel and Judah. See most links in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Hosea 1:10,11 (P)

JND v5, pp117-122

JND Collected writings.

Times of the Gentiles

Times of the Gentiles seen in the great image. This is the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires,(including the empire of the beast and the false prophet).This starts with Judah's captivity and exile right to the end of the Tribulation period.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Regathering and restoration of all Isreal in the future.

Numbers 24:14

End of days.

Isaiah 2:12

Day of the Lord.

Ezekiel 38:2-17

Gog and Magog, in contrast to the Times of the Gentiles. See comments in ministry of JND and JT related to Dan.2 and Ezek. 37-38.

Daniel 2:31-45 (P)

See chart of the great image.

Daniel 2:32-33,41-45

The empire of the beast and the false prophet.

Daniel 5:30-31

End of the head of gold- Babylon.

Daniel 7:1-27

Animal beasts in the times of the Gentiles.

Daniel 11:2-45

History of the great image, from the Medo-Persian empire to the Greek empire and kings of south and north, and the revived Roman empire, possibly ending with the demise of the king of the north.

Matthew 24:3-42

Disciples 3 questions on the Lord's coming.

JT v48, pp502-525

Note pg.508.

JND v11, pp303-332

JND Collected writings.Important ministry re. times of the Gentiles.Note pgs. 309,310,315.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Gathered out of their enemies' land. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Ezekiel 39:25-29 (P)

JND v2, pp361

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

People gathered out of the nations. See most references in Deut.30:3-10

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Ezekiel 38:12 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering of Israel by the "One Shepherd". See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Ezekiel 34:11-15 (P,M)

JND v11, pp274

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering of Israel, future blessings, and Millennial day. See references in Deut.30:3-10 and Psalm 72:1-19.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 72:1-19

Ezekiel 28:25,26 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering of Israel (10 tribes). Note in Israel's case the rebels are purged out, but in Judah one third are refined. See most references in Deut.30:3-10, and the chart tracing the history comparing Judah and Israel in Ezekiel 37,38,39.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Ezekiel 20:33-38 (P)

JND v2, pp368,369

JND Collected writings. Note difference between Judah and Isreal's restoration.

JND v11, pp120,121

JND Collected writings. Note difference between Judah and Isreal's restoration.

JND v11, pp273,274

JND Collected writings. Note difference between Judah and Israel's recovery. Compare Ezekiel 20:38 and Zech. 13:8,9.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Sticks of Judah, the children of Israel and for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and Israel made one stick. All Israel (Judah, Benjamin) and the 10 tribes all regathered. See Deut.30:3-10. Note, what is the position of Israel as partly in the land today?

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 18:1-7

Does this have any relation to Isreal's present situation? See comments by JND in Isaiah 18.

Jeremiah 3:18

Jeremiah 23:5,6

Jeremiah 30:3

Ezekiel 37:1-28 (P)

Hosea 1:11

JND v2, pp353-362

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp120,121

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp275

JND Collected writings.


I will heal their backslidings, resulting in Millennial blessings. See references in Deut 30:3-10, Psalm 72:1-19, and Isaiah 29:18,19.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 72:1-19

Isaiah 29:18,19

Hosea 14:4-7 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Jacob and Israel regathered. See references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Micah 2:12 (P)

The Remnant

Remnant of (probably) Judah regathered? See references to regathering in both Deut.30:3-10 and Isaiah 10:20-22. Look at chart of God's ways with Israel and Judah in chart in Ezek.38 & 39.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Micah 4:6-8 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

All Israel to be saved in the coming day. See regathering in Deut.30:3-10, and God's covenant to Abraham in Gen.17:19.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Luke 14:23

The fulness of the nations could link with the last guest come into the house, before the day of grace ends.

Romans 11:25-27 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

This is a key point in Paul's presentation of how all Israel will be saved. See numerous references in Deut.30:3-10, and 1 Kings 19:18 that Paul quotes from.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

1 Kings 19:18

Romans 11:1,4,5 (P)

Vs. 1 "Has God cast away his people" and Vss.4,5 "What says the divine answer".

JT v48, pp484

JND v2, pp344-353

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp265-278

JND Collected writings.


153 great fishes. Prophetically looks towards the nations secured for the Millennium. The 1 fish is Israel. See Deut 30:3-10 and Psalm 66:4.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 66:4

John 21:11,12 (P)

Caiaphas prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation and also gather together into one the children of God who were scattered abroad. Looks to the regathering of Judah and Israel and possibly blessing for the nations now and in the future.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Regathering and blessing for all Isreal in the future.

Psalms 22:27-31

Blessings for all the ends of the earth and families of the nations.

Isaiah 43:5

Isaiah 49:6

Salvation to the nations now, and in the future

Ezekiel 34:12

Matthew 24:31

John 11:51,52 (P,M)

John 12:32

Acts 11:18

Blessings for the Gentiles now.

Ephesians 2:14-17

The middle wall of enclosure broken down so Jew and Gentile come into blessing,as the two are formed into one new man.

JND v11, pp152

JND Collected writings.

Christ Instructing His Disciples about the Completion of the Age

He shall send his angels with a great sound of trumpet, and they shall gather his elect from the four winds. See scripture link with Mark 13:27. See most references of regathering in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Matthew 24:31 (P,M)

Mark 13:27

Link with Matt 24:31.

The Remnant

Two parts of Judah cut off and the third part brought through, but refined. Compare Israel (10 tribes) in Ezekiel 20:33-38 where the rebels are purged out and they pass under the rod. See also links in Isaiah 10:20-22 and Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Ezekiel 20:33-38

Zechariah 13:8,9 (P)

JND v5, pp121

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp120,121

JND Collected writings. Note comparison of judgment between Judah and the 10 tribes,Isreal.

JND v11, pp277

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Bringing back the house of Judah and saving the house of Joseph. One of the most detailed prophecies of all Israel being regathered. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Zechariah 10:6-12 (P)


Blood of the covenant, see covenants Gen.17:19, regathering, see Deut.30:3-10,and possibly Armageddon, see Joel 3:2.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Joel 3:2

Zechariah 9:11-17 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

As you were a curse, so you shall be a blessing. See blessings and curses in Deut.28&29.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Zechariah 8:13 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Jehovah will save and gather His people and they shall be His people and I will be their God. See Deut.30:3-10 for regathering and Jer.31:33, God dwelling amongst His people.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 31:33

Zechariah 8:7,8 (P)


Those far off (regathered) come and help build the temple, see Zech 2:1,2, also regathering, see Deut 30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Zechariah 2:1,2

Zechariah 6:15 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Jehovah regathering His people. His remnant shall feed and lie down. They will have pure speech. See links in regathering in Deut.30:20-22. For the remnant see Isaiah 10:20-22.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Nehemiah 13:24 (G)

Spoke half the language of Ashdod.

Isaiah 10:20-22

Isaiah 19:18

Speaking the language of Canaan.

Isaiah 57:19

Create the fruit of the lips.

Jeremiah 31:23

Captivity turned and "they shall again use this speech".

Zephaniah 3:9-20 (P)

Acts 2:39-41

JND v2, pp337,366

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp277,308

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel regathered. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Ezekiel 11:17-20 (P)

JND v2, pp359

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel and Judah weeping, seek Jehovah. See references in Deut 30:3-10 and also highways in Isaiah 11:16, as they "ask the way to Zion". Also their eyes will be opened about their Messiah whom they crucified. See Amos 8:10 and references.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 11:16

Jeremiah 50:4,5 (P)

Amos 8:10

They mourn as for an only son. See Zech. 12:10

Zechariah 12:10

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Judah and Israel to return. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 33:6-26 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 49:9-12,18 (P)

JND v2, pp357,358

JND Collected writings.Point of earthly blessings to God's people.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 43:5-7 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 42:5-7 (P)

The Remnant

A highway, regathering of the Remnant. See most references to the Remnant in Deut.30:3-10, and highways in Isaiah 11:16.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 11:16

Isaiah 35:8-10 (P)

JND v11, pp271

JND Collected writings.


The Millennial day, blessings and restoration in nature, healing,return etc. See Psalm 72 Millennium, Isaiah 11:16 highways, 29;8, healing, Deut.30:3,4 regathering, Isaiah 11:6 animal kingdom.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10


Psalms 72:1-19

Isaiah 11:16


Isaiah 11:6

Animal kingdom.

Isaiah 29:8


Isaiah 35:1-10 (P)

Isaiah 51:3

Make her wilderness like Eden.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering and trumpet blown. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 27:12,13 (P)

JND v11, pp270

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Judah, Israel turning in repentance to Jehovah and all Israel saved; Rom.11:26,27. See also most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 25:9 (P)

Zechariah 12:8-10

Romans 11:26,27

Highways for Those Returning

A highway for the return of the remnant. For the remnant being regathered see most references in Deut.30:3-10. Also see references to the remnant in Isaiah 10:20-22.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Isaiah 11:16 (P)

Isaiah 19:23,24

Not exactly the highway of Isreal regathered but happy relations between Isreal, Egypt, and Assyria.

Isaiah 35:8-10

Isaiah 42:16

Isaiah 49:11-13

note Sinim vs. 12 ,see footnote "h" JND bible.

Isaiah 62:10

Jeremiah 31:21

The appeal to set their heart toward the highway.

Jeremiah 50:4,5

They " ask the way to Zion".

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 11:12 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

See references in Deut. 30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20,21 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Zion (Jerusalem) restored. See most references of regathering Deut.30:3-10 and the Millennial day Psalm 72:1-17.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 72:1-19

Isaiah 1:25-28 (P)

Isaiah 2:3

Gathering of nations.

Micah 4:2-8

Zechariah 8:22

Revelation 20:4-7

Heavenly city

JND v2, pp337,357

JND Collected writings Note page 337 applies more to vs.12-22.

JND v11, pp127

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Captivity turned for Israel, looking to their restoration. See most references in Deut.30:3-10. Note JND Vol.2, Psalm 126, pg.368, Judah to be bought back who rejected Christ, then the 10 tribes later, who were not guilty of rejecting Christ.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 126:1-6 (P)

JND v2, pp368

JND Collected writings. Note important article, see chart in Ekek. 38 tracing history of the 10 tribes and Judah,Benjamine ect.

JND v2, pp363

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Sorrow and sighing flee away. See many references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 51:11 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel regathered, see most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 54:7 (P)

JND v11, pp271

JND Collected writings,comments on Isaiah 54,62,65 and 66.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering, restoration of Israel and Judah in the Millennium. See most references to regathering in Deut.30:3-10, and covenants in Gen 17:19.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Jeremiah 32:37-44 (P)

JND v2, pp359

JND Collected writings.


The new covenant and restoration of Israel and Judah in the future. See most references in Gen. 17:19 Covenants, Deut.30:3-10 Regathering and restoration of Israel and Judah, Psalm 72:1-19 The Millennium.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Genesis 17:19

Psalms 72:1-19

Jeremiah 31:27-28

What Jehovah has broken down He will rebuild again.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 (P)

JND v2, pp359

JND Collected writings.

JND v5, pp118

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp272

Jnd Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel and Judah regathered. See most references in Deut.30:3-10. Also the Remnant in Isaiah 10:20-22

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Jeremiah 31:7-9 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

To turn the captivity of Jacob and the city builded again. See most references in Deut.30:3-19. Isaiah:30,31 deal very much with the recovery of Israel and Judah in the future day.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 30:3,18 (P)

JND v11, pp121

JND Collected writings.Isreal and Judah's recovery and blessings in Isaiah 31,32,&33.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Judah to return with a whole heart in the last days, but might also include the recovery after 70 yrs of captivity. See many references in Deut.30:3-10. Note also many references to "they shall be my people and I will be their God".

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Leviticus 26:11-12

Jeremiah 24:7 (P)

Jeremiah 31:33

Jeremiah 32:38

Ezekiel 11:20

Ezekiel 34:30

Ezekiel 36:28

Ezekiel 37:27

Ezekiel 48:35 (P)

Jehovah Shammah. the Lord is there.

Zechariah 2:11

Zechariah 8:8

2 Corinthians 6:16

Hebrews 8:10

Revelation 21:7

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Judah and Israel regathered. See many references in Deut.30:3-10, and the remnant in Isaiah 10:20-22.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Jeremiah 23:3-8 (P)

Jeremiah 31:7-9

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Jehovah will bring them again into their land. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 16:14,15 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Regathering of Judah etc. See many references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 12:15 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

House of Judah and Israel regathered. See many references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Jeremiah 3:14-18 (P)

JND v2, pp358

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel regathered as an oblation unto Jehovah. See most references in Deut.30:3-10.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 66:20,21 (P)

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

This wonderful section combines the restoration of Israel and the nation's coming and walking by thy light in the glory of the Millennial day. See many references in Deut.30:3-10, Psalm 72:1-19 and Psalm 66:4. See hymn 36 in "Little Flock" hymn book.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Psalms 66:4

Psalms 72:1-19

Psalms 102:13-16

Isaiah 60:1-7 (P)

JND v5, pp122

JND Collected writings.

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Israel's conversion and regathering. See most references in Deut.30:3-10: I will answer, see Isaiah 65:24.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 58:8-12 (P)

Isaiah 65:24

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Judah and Israel. See chart (Ezekiel 38) tracing the history of Judah and Israel from the captivities to the Millennium.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10 (P)

Psalms 126:1-6

Isaiah 1:25-27

Isaiah 1:9

Isaiah 10:20-22

Isaiah 11:11

Isaiah 25:8,9

Isaiah 27:13


Isaiah 30:19

Isaiah 35:8-10

Highways,ransomed of Jehovah return.

Isaiah 43:5-7

Gathered from the east and the west.

Isaiah 49:9-12,18

They come from afar, some possibly as far away as China. See footnote "h" in JND bible (Sinim could mean China.)

Isaiah 51:10

A way for the ransomed to pass over.

Isaiah 51:11

Sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Isaiah 52:1-12

Zion, Jerusalem awakened for their return, and they return without haste and Jehovah is their rear guard.

Isaiah 54:7

Isaiah 58:8-12

Isaiah 65:18-25

Isaiah 66:20,21

Jeremiah 3:18

Jeremiah 12:15

Jeremiah 16:14,15

Jeremiah 23:3-8

Jeremiah 24:6,7

Jeremiah 30:3,18

Jeremiah 31:31-34

Jeremiah 31:7-9


Jeremiah 32:37,38

Jeremiah 33:6-26

Jeremiah 50:4,5

They shall come weeping, and ask the way to Zion, and join to Jehovah in the everlasting covenant.

Ezekiel 11:17-20

Ezekiel 20:33-38

Rebels purged out, 10 Tribes.

Ezekiel 28:25,26

Ezekiel 34:11-15

Ezekiel 36:21-32

Not for your sake I do this but for my holy name.vss.22&32.

Ezekiel 36:8-10

Ezekiel 37:1-28

Made one stick.

Ezekiel 38:12

Ezekiel 39:25-29

Hosea 1:10,11

Hosea 2:14,15

Hosea 3:5

Hosea 6:1-4

Hosea 14:4-7

Joel 2:28-31

Amos 8:10

Mourning for an only son

Micah 2:12

Micah 4:6-8

Zephaniah 3:9-20

Zechariah 4:6,7

Relates to temple in the recovery,but also looks forward to the final temple in the millenium.

Zechariah 4:6,7

Relates to temple in the recovery,but also looks forward to the final temple in the millenium.

Zechariah 6:15

Zechariah 8:7,13

Zechariah 9:14-17


Zechariah 10:8

Will hiss for them (sharag,a shrill whistle). See hiss in Isaiah 5:26 (but not a link).

Zechariah 12:10,11

Looking on Me whom they pierced, and mourning for an only son.

Zechariah 13:8,9

Third part refined ,Judah.

Matthew 24:31

Luke 2:38

Anna speaks of those who who waited for redenption in Jerusalem.

John 21:11,12

1 Fish,Isreal regathered.

Romans 9:27-29

Romans 11:25-27

Romans 11:4,5

"What says the divine answer", a key point in Pauls presentation on the restoration of all Isreal.

Revelation 7:17

Wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Revelation 7:3-8

The 144,000 may well have a prominent part in the speading of the glad tidings of the kingdom Matt.24:14.

Revelation 21:4

A different setting .God dwelling with men in etermity.

JND v0, pp133

JND Notes and jottings.

The word is near thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart. The result is that salvation comes by believing and confessing.

Deuteronomy 30:12-14

Romans 10:6-10 (G)

The word is very near to thee.

Deuteronomy 30:12-14 (G)

Romans 10:6