Nehemiah Chapter 13

Regathering and Restoration of All Israel in the Future

Jehovah regathering His people. His remnant shall feed and lie down. They will have pure speech. See links in regathering in Deut.30:20-22. For the remnant see Isaiah 10:20-22.

Nehemiah 13:24 (G)

Spoke half the language of Ashdod.

Deuteronomy 30:3-10

Isaiah 10:20-22

Isaiah 19:18

Speaking the language of Canaan.

Isaiah 57:19

Create the fruit of the lips.

Jeremiah 31:23

Captivity turned and "they shall again use this speech".

Zephaniah 3:9-20 (P)

Acts 2:39-41

JND v2, pp337,366

JND Collected writings.

JND v11, pp277,308

JND Collected writings.