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Times of the Gentiles
History of Greek empire, and after Alexander's death, broken into 4 divisions. Antiochus E. arises to bring in the abomination of the sanctuary. Goat Greece, great horn Alexander, broken horn his death,4 horns his generals, small horn Antiochus E.
Scripture Links
Daniel 8:19-22
(Further details of Medo-Persia, and Greek empires.)
Daniel 8:8-14
(Antiochus Epiphanes may be a type of the beast but also more likely a type of the king of the north (Dan.11:40). Note vs.14, the sanctuary is cleansed after the revolt of Judas Maccabeus against Antiochus E.Result is the feast of Hanukkah.)
Daniel 11:3-35
(Further details of Greek empire to Antiochus Epiphanes.)
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