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Beast and False Prophet
Beast speaks against the Most High, and wears out the saints of the Most High. Note references to a time,times and a 1/2 time, or 1260 days, or 42 months. Also see JND collected writings Vol.11 pgs 318-321, Vol.32 pg 245 for possible 1/2wk explanations.
Scripture Links
Daniel 7:25 (P)
(A time times and a half time.)
Daniel 9:27
(Conferming covenant for one week.)
Daniel 11:36
Daniel 12:11,12
(1290 and 1335 days. See chart on 1260,1290,& 1335 days in Dan.12)
Daniel 12:7
(A time ,times, and a half.)
Revelation 11:2
(The holy city they shall tread under 42 months.)
Revelation 11:3
(And they shall prophecy 1260 days.)
Revelation 12:14
(A time,and times,and a half time.)
Revelation 12:6
(She is nourished 1260 days.)
Revelation 13:1
Revelation 13:5
(To pursue its career 42 months.)
Revelation 20:4
Ministry Links
- JND v11, pp318 (JND Collected writings. See footnote about the saints of the most high.)
- JND v11, pp318-321 (JND Collected writings.)
- JND v32, pp246 (JND Collected writings.)