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Stone Which the Builders Rejected Becomes the Head of the Corner
Note: It is commented that Psalm 118 is more often quoted in the N.T. than any other in the O.T. Note the stone which the builders rejected as the rock goes through our dispensation (Matt 16:18 and the coming age Dan. 2:45)
Scripture Links
Genesis 49:24
Psalms 118:22,23 (P,M)
Isaiah 8:14
Isaiah 28:16
Daniel 2:45
Zechariah 3:9
Zechariah 4:7
Matthew 16:16-20
Matthew 21:42
Mark 12:10
Luke 20:17
Acts 4:11
Romans 9:33
Ephesians 2:20,21
1 Peter 2:6-8
Ministry Links
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