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Destruction of Babylon politically and commercially. Note when the Medes and Persians took over in 539 BC they did not destroy the city, but it gradually diminished. Saddaam Hussein put in great effort to rebuild some areas. See links below.
Scripture Links
Genesis 11:9
(Overview of Babylon.)
Isaiah 13:1-22
(Note comments in JND synopsis vol.2 about Isaiah 13 pgs.220.221(see footnote pg.221.))
Isaiah 21:9
Jeremiah 50:39-40
Jeremiah 51:8
Revelation 16:19
Revelation 17:1-6
Revelation 18:1-24 (P)
(Note Isaiah 13:9-16 may well look to this future day of destruction.)
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp62-69 (JND Collected writings.)
- JND v2, pp245-248 (JND Collected writing. Notes on the Revelation.)