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The Coming Messiah
The Messiah coming to execute judgment but also as the Sun of Righteousness to bring in healing.(See 2 Sam.23:4 and Matt.17:2 re Sun). Note other links, Day of the Lord Isaiah 2:12, Millennium Psalm 72:1-19, and healing Isaiah 29:18,19.
Scripture Links
2 Samuel 23:4
Psalms 72:1-19
Isaiah 2:12
Isaiah 29:18,19
Malachi 4:1-3 (P,M)
(Note the O.T.ends with the Sun of Righteousness and the N.T. with the Bright and Morning Star Rev.22:16.)
Matthew 17:2
Luke 1:78
(Dayspring from on high,see footnote "d" in J.N.D. bible, rising ,like 2 Sam 23:4.)
James 5:14,15
2 Peter 1:19
(Day dawn and morning star.)
2 Peter 3:5-7
(The day cometh burning as a furnace. Mal.4:1.)
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