Acts Chapter 28

They would not hear. Also looks to the time of Christ speaking in parables Psalm 78:2-4.

Acts 28:25-27

Psalms 69:22

Psalms 78:2-4

Isaiah 6:9,10 (P)

Isaiah 29:10

Isaiah 53:1

Matthew 13:13-17,34,35

John 12:40

Romans 11:7-10

JND v11, pp269

JND Collected writings.

The prophets and Christ (through the apostles) speaking to God's people saying, "hearing ye shall hear and not understand, and seeing ye shall see and not perceive". See Isaiah 6:9,10.

Acts 28:25-27 (P)

Isaiah 6:9,10

JT v48, pp486

JND v11, pp127,128

JND Collected writings.