Genesis 11:9 (P)
See further history of Babylon in Isaiah 13&14.
Psalms 137:4
Isaiah 13:1-22
judgment of Babylon.
Isaiah 14:1-23
Judgment on king of Babylon (Sennacherib) Link to Lucifer.Compare to King of Tyre in Ezek. 28 : 11-19.
Isaiah 21:9
Isaiah 47:1-15
Isaiah 48:20
Isaiah 52:11
Depart, depart, a hint of coming out of Babylon.
Jeremiah 7:18
queen of heaven.
Jeremiah 25:10-14
Jeremiah 25:12
Jeremiah 44:17-19
queen of heaven.
Jeremiah 50:8-9,35-46
Jeremiah 51:7-10, 47-58
Ezekiel 8:14-15
Weeping for Tammuz.
Zechariah 2:6-9
2 Corinthians 6:17
come out of her my people see Is 52:11 & Rev.18 & 19.
Revelation 14:8
Revelation 16:19
Revelation 17:1-9
Revelation 17:15-18
Babylon's destruction (religious) by the beast and 10 kings (horns).
Revelation 18:1-24
Babylon destroyed (commercial system). The Lord God judges her.
Revelation 19:1-5
Note hallelujahs rare in the N.T.Reserved for Babylon's destruction, concluding in 1 for the Lord our God, related to the marraige supper of the Lamb. The false corrupt woman removed to make way for the Lamb's wife.