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Death Swallowed up in Victory
Resurrection here related to Israel. Consider the resurrection of the just (many instances of resurrection 1 Cor 15 "each in his own rank" etc.) but of the unjust (finalised in Rev. 20:12.) See key scripture in John 5:25-29.
Scripture Links
Job 21:30
(Judgment of the wicked.)
Psalms 9:8
(Jehovah will judge the world with righteousness and execute judgment on the peoples with equity.)
Psalms 49:15
Psalms 96:13
(Jehovah will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.)
Isaiah 25:8
(He will swallow up death in victory.)
Isaiah 66:24
(Those brought to shame and everlasting contempt as in Dan.12:2)
Ezekiel 37:7-14
(The nation resurrected. They stand upon their feet as an exceeding great army.)
Daniel 12:2 (P)
Hosea 13:14
(Isreal ransomed from the grave.)
Matthew 27:51-53
(Tombs opened and many saints fallen asleep arise when the Lord lays down His life.)
Luke 14:14
(Resurrection of the just.)
John 5:25-29
(Covers the whole range of the resurrection of the just and of the unjust.)
John 6:40
(The righteous raised up on the last day.)
John 11:24,25
(Christ the resurrection and the life.)
Acts 17:31
(Christ has a day in which he is going to judge the habitable earth in righteousness.)
Acts 24:15,25
(There is a resurrection of both just and unjust, and judgment about to come. )
Romans 2:5,6,16
(Righteous judgment of God, who will judge the secrets of men.)
Romans 8:11,17,23
(Saints risen and glorified.)
1 Corinthians 15:20,23,53-56
(The truth of resurrection, seen in the firstfruits, Christ and those that are Christ's at His coming.)
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
(Dead in Christ rise first ,then the living who remain,are caught up together to meet the Lord.)
2 Timothy 4:1
(The God and Christ Jesus who is about to judge living and dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom.)
2 Peter 2:9
(The day of judgment.)
Revelation 2:11
(Overcomer not injured in the second death.)
Revelation 20:5,12-14
(Rest of the dead did not live till the 1,000 yrs. were completed. This is the second death and judgment of the wicked.)
Revelation 20:6
(Blessed are those to whom the second death has no power. See especially Rev. 2:11.)
Ministry Links
- JND v2, pp364 (JND Collected writings. Last paragraph on page.)