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Kings of the south and north
King of the south and king of the north push at and come against the beast. King of the south is south of Israel, possibly Egypt and others. King of the north is probably Syria, Iran and other nations north of Israel.
Scripture Links
Psalms 83:1-8
(Many other references in the Psalms as to Isreals enemies. This psalm a good example of nations that will combine against Isreal, and is very evident even today.)
Isaiah 2:12
Isaiah 5:26-30
(Possibly a hint of the nations that have attacked Isreal, and will again attack again in the last days.)
Daniel 11:40
(Who is the "he" in vss. 40 &41? Is it the beast or the king of the north? See J.N.D. collected writings Vol.5 Pg.195 to note how J.N.D. changed his views.)
Zechariah 9:14,15
(May be a hint of the king of the south but uncertain.)
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp195 (JND Collected writings)
- JND v5, pp189-196 (JND Collected writings)