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Christ as Branch and Root
Christ as branch, root, sprout, deliverer and horn of salvation. Note as branch and root Christ is qualified to be both king and priest in the millennium.
Scripture Links
Psalms 132:17
(See footnote "b" JND bible.)
Isaiah 4:2 (P,M)
Isaiah 11:1 (M)
Isaiah 11:1,10
(See footnote "i" vs. 10 JND bible.)
Isaiah 52:10
Isaiah 53:2
Jeremiah 23:5
Jeremiah 33:15-18
Ezekiel 17:22-24
Ezekiel 29:21
Amos 9:11,12
(Tabernacle of David.)
Zechariah 3:8
Zechariah 6:12
Matthew 2:23
(See footnote "d" JND bible.)
Luke 1:69
Acts 3:6
(See link to Matt. 2:23 and footnote "d" in JND bible.)
Acts 15:15-19
(Rebuild the tabernacle of David.)
Romans 15:12
Hebrews 7:14
Revelation 5:5,6
Revelation 22:16
Ministry Links
- JND v2, pp357 (JND Collected writings.)