View Entry
Day of the Lord (Judgement in the Tribulation)
The beast and the kings of the earth are gathered together to make war with Christ and his army. The beast and the false prophet were taken and alive both cast into the lake of fire. See many references below.
Scripture Links
Psalms 2:2
Isaiah 2:12
(Day of the Lord.)
Isaiah 66:24
(Lake of fire.)
Joel 3:2
Matthew 25:41
Revelation 11:18
Revelation 13:1
Revelation 16:13,14
Revelation 16:16
Revelation 17:13,14
Revelation 19:19,20 (P)
Revelation 22:19
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp82
- JND v2, pp251,252 (JND Collected writings. Notes on the Revelation.)