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Angels of Rev. 14
ANGEL 3. This angel gives the warning to those who do homage to the beast and its image, and who receive the mark upon their forehead or hand. They shall be tormented forever. See links in Rev 13:13,13:14,15,13:16-18 and other links below.
Scripture Links
Psalms 34:8-10
(Day of Jehovah's vengeance.)
Psalms 75:8
(Judgment on the wicked of the earth.)
Isaiah 66:24
Jeremiah 25:15
(Nations drink the cup of fury from the God of Isreal.)
Daniel 2:32,33,41-45
Matthew 13:41,42
(All offences of the kingdom gathered and cast into the furnace of fire.)
Revelation 13:13
Revelation 13:14,15
Revelation 13:16-18
Revelation 13:9,10
Revelation 14:9-11 (P)
Revelation 15:7
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp46 (JND Collected writings.)