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Given to John a reed to measure the temple, and the altar, and them that worship in it. (This is the temple that will exist during the tribulation). Outer court given up to the nations and they tread under foot 42 months. See many references below.
Scripture Links
Ezekiel 40:3,5
(Final earthly temple during thr millenium.)
Daniel 9:27
(The desolator (beast) will take over the temple and cause the sacrifices to cease in the middle of the week.)
Zechariah 2:1,2
(Man with a measuring line in his hand.)
Matthew 24:15
(The desolator takes over as in Dan.9:27.)
Luke 21:24
(Could this be the time when the desolator takes over and or the time when Titus destroyed Jeusalem in 70 A.D.?)
2 Thessalonians 2:4
(Man of sin revealed. See Dan.9:27 and Matt.24:15.)
Revelation 11:1,2 (P)
Revelation 21:15
(Final heavenly temple in the millenium and the eternal day.)
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp31,32 (JND Collected writings.)