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Christ Instructing His Disciples about the Completion of the Age
Disciples ask: "Lord is it at this time that thou restorest the kingdom to Israel". The Lord replies "it is not yours to know times and seasons which the Father has placed in His own authority". See Dan 9:1,2,24-27, Matt 24:3-42 and 36-39.
Scripture Links
Daniel 9:1,2,24-27
(See also chart of 70 weeks in Dan.9.)
Matthew 24:3-42
Matthew 24:36-39
Acts 1:6,7 (P)
1 Timothy 6:15
(The appearing of our Lord Jesus in its own time. Note The timing of the appearing is especially in the Fathers hand. Not to be confused with the rapture as some do.)
Ministry Links
- JT v48, pp409,410 (Important note about the book of Revelation further opening up the times and the seasons.)