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Christ Instructing His Disciples about the Completion of the Age
Abomination of desolation, probably when the false prophet defiles the temple. This begins the great Tribulation and God provides a place of protection for the remnant. See scripture links in Mark 13:14,15 and Luke 21:20-25. Numerous links below.
Scripture Links
Psalms 27:5
( Applies mostly to David ,but also prehaps a hint of protection for the remnant during the great tribulation.)
Psalms 31:20
(Keepest them concealed.)
Psalms 57:1
(I take refuge in thee.)
Psalms 83:3
(Hidden ones.)
Psalms 91:4
(Hint of protection for the remnant during the great tribulation.)
Isaiah 2:12
(Day of the Lord.)
Isaiah 26:20,21
(A hiding place for the remnant during the great tribulation.)
Jeremiah 30:7-11
(Time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation.)
Daniel 2:32,33,41-45
(The great image, ending in the beast and the destruction of the image by the stone that smote it.)
Daniel 9:20-27
(70 wks. of Daniel's prophecy, and details of the beast in vss. 26 and 27.)
Daniel 11:36-39
(The beast.)
Daniel 12:5-7
(Probably the time of the great tribulation. Day of the Lord.)
Zechariah 11:15-17
(Could be a reference to the false prophet.)
Matthew 10:15
(Day of the Lord.)
Matthew 24:15-21 (P,M)
Mark 13:14,15
(Link with Matt. 24:15-21.)
Luke 21:20-25
(Link with Matt. 24:15-21.)
2 Thessalonians 2:3-10
(Man of sin and his end by the breath of his (the Lord Jesus) mouth.)
Revelation 12:4-6,13-17
(Satan tries to destroy the faithful remnant, but God protects them for 3 and 1/2 yrs.)
Revelation 13:1-18
(The beast and the false prophet.)
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