Mark Chapter 1

Prepare Ye the Way in the Wilderness

John the Baptist preparing the way for Christ.

Mark 1:4-8

Isaiah 40:3-5 (P,M)

Malachi 3:1

Also may have a future bearing.

Malachi 4:4-6

Matthew 3:1-4,11,12

Matthew 11:13,14

Luke 1:17

Luke 3:3-6

Luke 7:24-28

John 1:23,24

JND v11, pp132

JND Collected writings. Note comments from Chs. 40-50 of Isaiah ect.

Prepare Ye the Way in the Wilderness

John the Baptist forerunner of Christ. See most references in Isaiah 40:3-5.

Mark 1:4-8 (P)

Isaiah 40:3-5

The Spirit resting upon Christ.

Mark 1:9,10

Isaiah 11:2 (P,M)

Isaiah 42:1

Matthew 3:16

Luke 3:22

John 1:32,33

The Holy Spirit descending upon Christ. See references in Matt 3:16.

Mark 1:9,10 (P)

Matthew 3:16

The Holy Spirit coming and resting on Christ. His committal to the remnant and beginning of His public service.

Mark 1:9,10

Isaiah 11:2

Matthew 3:16 (P)

Luke 3:22

John 1:32


The Father's delight and approval of His Son. The beginning of His public service. See references in Matt.3:17.

Mark 1:11 (P)

Matthew 3:17

At His baptism. Father's delight in His Son. Beginning of His public service. His identification with His people (the remnant).

Mark 1:11

2 Samuel 7:14

Psalms 2:7

Looks more to the coming millennial rule of Christ.

Isaiah 42:1-4

Matthew 3:17 (P,M)

Luke 3:22


Christ tempted of the Devil.

Mark 1:12,13

Isaiah 14:12-20

Matthew 4:1-11

Luke 4:5-13


Lucifer in setting of the king of Babylon. Note Lucifer's 5 "I will"s compared to Christ's "I love" in Ex.21. Also called the Devil,Satan,Serpent and the Dragon. Compare with Christ's exaltation Heb.1:3,Eph.1:20-22,Ps.48:2,Eph.4:8-11,Heb7:1,17,18.

Mark 1:12-13

Genesis 3:1

Job 1:6-11

Isaiah 14:12-20 (P)

Compare Ezek. 28:16-19.Prince of Tyre likened to Satan.

Ezekiel 28:11-19

Matthew 4:1

Matthew 4:8-9

Matthew 7:22

Mark 3:23-26

Luke 4:5-13

Luke 10:18

John 8:44

John 12:31

John 14:30

John 16:11

Romans 5:12-14

1 Corinthians 5:5

2 Corinthians 4:4

2 Corinthians 11:14

Ephesians 2:2

1 Thessalonians 2:18

1 Thessalonians 3:5

1 Timothy 1:20

1 Timothy 5:15

2 Timothy 2:26

Hebrews 2:14

1 Peter 5:8

Revelation 9:1,11

Revelation 12:3,7,9

Revelation 13:8

Revelation 20:1-3,10

JND v2, pp318,319

JND Collected writings.


Christ tempted of the Devil. See references in Matt.4:1-11.

Mark 1:13 (P)

Matthew 4:1-11


Christ tempted of the devil.

Mark 1:13

Matthew 4:1-11 (P)

Luke 4:5-13

70 weeks of Daniel 9 Prophecy

#6. To anoint the most Holy.

Mark 1:24

Psalms 2:6

Psalms 45:7

Isaiah 61:1

Daniel 9:24 (P)

Luke 1:35

Luke 4:18

Link with Isaiah 61:1.

John 1:41

John 3:34

Acts 3:14

Hebrews 1:8,9

Hebrews 7:26

Hebrews 9:11