View Entry
Gog and Magog
Invasion of the coming northern confederacy.Note carefully the time of this invasion, in comments by JND vol 11 pgs. 275 276 Collected writings. Also that Ezekiel passes over the times of the Gentiles and looks at Israel as outwardly restored to the land.
Scripture Links
Genesis 10:2,3
Isaiah 10:5,23-25
Ezekiel 38:2-16 (P)
(See also ch.39:1-16. Note links also in Gen10:2,3 and Isaiah 10:5.23&25. See also chart of Isreal (10 tribes) and Judah (2 tribes).)
Ezekiel 39:1-16
Ministry Links
- JND v2, pp43-45 (JND Collected wtitings.)
- JND v2, pp380 (JND Collected writings. Also important comments about when this takes place, and Isreal's position in the land.)
- JND v8, pp294-296 (JND Collected writings. Note comment in footnotes pg.295 about Cush in Isaiah 18.)
- JND v11, pp275,276 (JND Collected writings.)
- JND v11, pp326-331 (JND Collected writings. Again important comments of JND. Note links to the Assyrian,compared to Babylon(times of the Gentiles),an important distinction to understand Ezekiel 38&39. Ref.are Is.10:5,23,25,30,Is.30:30-33,Mic.5:1-9.)
- JND v11, pp309 (JND Collected writings. The Assyrian as the enemy of Isreal ( 10 tribes))
- JND v2, pp192-194 (Notes and Comments Vol. 2)
- JND v2, pp192-194 (Notes and Comments Vol. 2)
- JND v0, pp145,146 (JND Notes and Jottings,further notes on the Revelation.)
- JND v30, pp229 (JND Collected writings)