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Christ's Resurrection
The Father answering Christ by raising Him from the dead. See many references, such as Psalm 16:8-11 and Acts 2:24-28.
Scripture Links
Psalms 16:8-11
Psalms 22:21 (P)
(1st. half of vs. Loosed from the pains of death, lions mouth, and horns of the buffaloe. 2nd.half of vs. appearing to his brethren and praising in the Assembly Heb. 2:12. )
Matthew 28:5,6
Mark 16:6
Luke 24:6,7
John 2:22
John 20:9
Acts 2:24
(Loosed from the pains of death (horns of the buffaloe).)
Acts 2:25-28
(One who set Jehovah continually before him, would be raised by the glory of the Father.)
Acts 10:39-41
(Witnesses of Christ's resurrection.)
Acts 13:35
Romans 4:24,25
Romans 6:4
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
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