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Christ's Appearing in Judgement and Glory
Christ as the Faithful and True sitting on a white horse, judges and makes war in righteousness. See especially Isaiah 63:1,2, Zech 14:3-5 and many other references.
Scripture Links
Psalms 9:8
Psalms 94:15
Psalms 96:13
Isaiah 63:1,2
Ezekiel 21:27
Daniel 7:13
Zechariah 14:3-5
Matthew 24:27-31
Matthew 26:64
John 5:27,28
Acts 17:31
1 Thessalonians 3:13
2 Thessalonians 2:7,8
Jude 1:14
Revelation 1:4
Revelation 14:14
Revelation 19:11 (P,M)
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp74-75,77 (JND Collected writings.)
- JT v48, pp432,448,449
- JND v2, pp250 (JND Collected writings. Notes on the Revelation.)