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Nations have been full of wrath. See Psalm 2:1,Rev 16:14,19:17-21. God's wrath is come and the time of the dead to be judged. See Psalm 69:28, Rev 20:11-15, plus other links. Recompense given to those who fear thy name. See Dan 12:1-3 and other links.
Scripture Links
Psalms 2:1,2
(Nations full of wrath.)
Psalms 68:28
(God blots out the enemy.)
Isaiah 24:21-23
(High ones and kings of the earth punished.)
Isaiah 26:21
(Jehovah visits the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth. )
Isaiah 26:9-11
(Some seek Jehovah early,but is judgment for his adversaries.)
Isaiah 30:28
(Jehovah will sift the nations with a sieve of destruction.)
Jeremiah 17:10
(Jehovah tries the reins,each one according to their ways.)
Daniel 7:10-12
(Judgment was set and books were opened. The Ancient of days judges The beast is destroyed. and beasts dominions taten away.)
Daniel 12:1-3
(They that are wise shall shine.)
Revelation 11:18 (P)
Revelation 19:19
(Nations gathered together against Christ.)
Revelation 20:4
(Those who were beheaded by the beast reign with Christ for 1,000 years.)
Revelation 22:12
(Christ comes to render his reward to every one as his work shall be.)
Ministry Links
- JND v5, pp34 (JND Collected writings.)