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Christ Speaking in Parables
Christ speaking in parables, no doubt because He was beginning to be rejected by the leaders and was already suffering indifference as a result of His Galilee labours (see Matt 11:20 and 12:14 etc.) See many references in Psalm 78:2 and Isaiah 6:9,10.
Scripture Links
Psalms 78:2
Isaiah 6:9,10
Matthew 13:13-17,34,35 (P)
(See important footnote"c" in J.N.D. bible.)
Luke 8:4
Ministry Links
- JT v48, pp455 (Covers remarks of the changes in the Lord's ministy and service in chs. 11,12 and 13.)
- JT v48, pp464 (Comments on Ch. 13.)
- JND v2, pp319,320 (JND Collected writings. JND clarifys the teaching of the parables ,over against error abuot Christianity bringing in the millenium..)
- JND v11, pp127 (JND Collected writings.)
- JND v11, pp279-303 (JND Collected writings. Read whole lecture on Matt. 13.)