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Day of the Lord (Judgement in the Tribulation)
Judgment day, most events prior to the Millennium, but also may look on to the Great White Throne. See many references in Deut 28:1-69, Jer 17:10, Is.2:12,Is.24:1-23, Joel 3:2,9-17 and N.T. references below.
Scripture Links
Deuteronomy 28:1-68
(More long term historical judgments related to Isreal and Judah.)
Psalms 96:13
Isaiah 2:12
(Day of the Lord.)
Isaiah 24:1-23
(Day of the Lord.)
Jeremiah 17:10
Joel 3:2,9-17
Matthew 10:15 (P)
Matthew 11:22-24
Matthew 12:36-42
Matthew 13:42
Matthew 16:27
Matthew 24:15-21
Matthew 24:5,6
Matthew 25:31-46
Mark 12:38-40
Luke 8:17
Luke 10:14
Luke 12:47,48
Luke 17:26-30
John 12:48
Acts 17:31
Romans 2:5,6,16
Romans 3:23
2 Thessalonians 1:8-10
Hebrews 9:27,28
Hebrews 10:29-31
1 Peter 1:7,13
2 Peter 2:9
Jude 1:14-15
Revelation 20:11-13
(Great white throne.)
Ministry Links
- JND v11, pp145 (JND Collected writings, general comments about ch. 10.)