Genesis Chapter 6

Angels who kept not their original estate.See references in Jude 1:6.

Genesis 6:1,2 (P)

Jude 1:6

Angels who sinned not spared. See history Gen 6:1-3 and Rev 12:49 (1/3 part of the stars of the heavens).

Genesis 6:1,2

2 Peter 2:4 (P)

Jude 1:6

Revelation 1:18

Christ has the keys of death and of hades.

Revelation 12:4

Angels who kept not their own original state. He keeps in eternal chains of darkness. See many references below.

Genesis 6:1,2

Sons of God generally viewed as angels.

Matthew 25:41

Luke 8:31

2 Peter 2:4

Jude 1:6 (P)

Revelation 1:18

Christ has control of these beings. He is head of all principalities and authorities. He has the keys of death and of hades.

Revelation 12:4

Christ's Appearing in Judgement and Glory

Judgment time when the Son of Man is revealed. Conditions currently are like the days of Noah and Lot. See Matt.10:15 and other references.

Genesis 6:1-12

Days of Noah, all flesh corrupted.

Genesis 19:1-29

Days of Lot.

Ezekiel 16:49-59

Iniquity of thy sister Sodom.

Matthew 10:15

Matthew 24:39-41

Luke 17:26-30 (P,M)

1 Corinthians 1:7

2 Thessalonians 1:7

1 Peter 4:13